European Commission issues test method for migration of food contact materials

    Recently, the European Commission announced the research results of its four-year project, which has a profound impact on the plastic food packaging industry.

    Food contact materials may release toxic and harmful chemicals during the use of the product, and these ingredients may migrate and be absorbed by the human body, bringing certain risks to human health. The FACET project funded by the European Union has developed a mathematical model tool to estimate the determined and possible values of chemical substances in packaging materials entering food under real use conditions. The project has established a chemical database covering the chemical substances that may be contained in different packaging materials in Europe.

    The EFSA Food Contact Materials Group has approved four new food contact materials, including two oxygen absorbers, one additive and one plasticizer. Experts said that the regulations on food contact materials generally contain a list of monomers and additives allowed to be used in the production of materials. Some risk substances are more involved in the requirements of dosage and maximum migration, and producers can choose appropriate raw materials and proportions for production according to this requirement.

Experts from the Cooperative Research Center of the European Commission delivered a speech on the theme of "What has FACET changed?", and other experts explained how to use this mathematical model tool to conduct exposure assessment.

    Experts from the Irish Food Safety Agency, the European Food Safety Agency, the Zurich Official Food Control Agency and the Netherlands Institute of Public Health also made speeches on food packaging safety at the meeting.

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