The Philippines Releases the Toy and Game Products Safety Label Act of 2013

    The Philippines approved the Philippine Toys and Game Supplies Safety Act 2013 (Public Act No. 10620) on September 3, 2013. Public Bill No. 10620, the integration of Senate Bill No. 3367 and House Bill No. 6529, was passed by the Senate and the House of Representatives on June 5, 2013.

    The Act aims to ensure the health and safety of children from potential hazards. The Act requires consumer goods intended for children to be marked or accompanied by clear safety warnings. All toys and game supplies manufactured locally or imported, donated, distributed or sold in the Philippines must meet the requirements for safety labels and manufacturer's marks. These requirements are listed in the Philippine National Toy Safety Standards. Under the Act, a warning statement in English or Filipino must be displayed. The warning statement must appear on the main panel of the product packaging bag, the packaging or any instruction materials. For products sold in bulk: the retail display boxes and containers or vending machines for toys or game supplies with removed packages shall also be accompanied with warning statements in English or Filipino. The statement must be made in popular language, in a conspicuous and clear way, and the typesetting, layout and color should be in sharp contrast with the background. At the same time, the label must comply with Public Act No. 7394, or the Philippine Consumer Act. Any billiard game, latex balloon, small ball or toy or game supplies containing a billiard, latex balloon, small ball or other small parts, if the packaging does not meet the requirements of the Act, shall be deemed as unqualified label or will be prohibited, because it may contain harmful substances. These goods shall be removed from the market at the expense of manufacturers and importers, and shall not be distributed, sold or supplied in the Philippines until the products meet the requirements of the new Act. Transition period: From the entry into force of the Act, manufacturers, retailers, distributors and importers will have a transition period of one year to meet these requirements. The bill will enter into force 15 days after the notice is published. (Please indicate the source for reprinting)

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