FCC certification of new KDB447498 regulations and standards was enforced on July 1

The new KDB447498V07 version of FCC certification regulations and standards will be enforced on July 1, 2022. At that time, the SAR evaluation requirements for portable devices will be stricter. SAR testing will increase additional testing cycle and cost, and the final certification cycle will also be extended. It is recommended that manufacturers conduct design and production after comprehensive evaluation of demand. Chinese testing company explained the new regulations and standards to Canada.

Some changes:

1. More comprehensive exemption conditions are provided. The exemption test power of SAR is determined by PTH calculation. The distance between 5mm and 15mm is more strict than before.

Calculation formula

2. Provides an alternative to SAR based exemptions - calculating ERP thresholds (MPE) based on frequency and distance

Some matters needing attention in the application:

1. Transition D04 guidelines must be used in conjunction with other relevant revised KDB RF exposure procedures and policies.

2. If the v06 version needs to be used during the transition period, an application should be submitted to the FCC before March 31, 2022, but the old and new guidelines should not be mixed.

3. After March 31, 2022, all applications can only use the new version of the program (the upcoming v07 version)

4. If the certification application includes the pre qualification guidance project (KDB 388624) submitted before April 1, 2022, TCB can still apply according to the v06 version after the deadline after the approval of PAG.

FCC Certification New KDB447498 Regulation Q&A:

1. The product has obtained FCC ID certificate before the new standard, do you need to update it?

Answer: No need to update, and the certificate is valid.

2. The product is applying for FCC ID, how to select it?

A: In case of urgent shipment, it is recommended to select the old bid, but the FCC ID certificate must be obtained before March 31.

3. What impact does the new bid have on customers?

A: If the transmission power of the product exceeds the lower limit specified in the new standard, SAR measurement is required, and the test cost and certification cycle will increase accordingly.


The new KDB 447498 regulation of FCC puts forward stricter SAR evaluation requirements for portable devices, especially those that support Bluetooth or other low-power, short-range devices (such as Bluetooth headset, bracelet, watch, mobile phone, laptop, tablet, MP3, AR/VR device, pedometer, etc.).

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