The British government plans to use UKCA certification after Brexit without agreement on March 29, 2019

The United Kingdom Certification Association, or UKCA for short, was founded in London, England. Currently, the International Certification Standards Committee, one of the members of the American Certification Association (ACA), is under its supervision. It has a unified international certification standardization mutual recognition system and is the authoritative professional skills certification agency in the United Kingdom.

The date of Brexit is March 29, 2019, and the UKCA logo is as follows:


If you want to reduce or expand the size of the logo, these letters of UKCA must be changed according to the proportion of the above version. The UKCA logo must be at least 5 mm high unless different minimum dimensions are specified in the relevant regulations, and the UKCA logo must be clearly visible, readable, and durable (indelible).


For goods sold on the UK market before 29 March 2019, the manufacturer does not need to change any of the goods. These goods can continue to circulate in the UK without any changes to the marking requirements.

After March 29, 2019, the continued use of the CE mark will be subject to time restrictions. When deciding when to end, the government should first consult with enterprises. If the product complies with the relevant EU requirements, the manufacturer will be able to continue to use the CE mark when placing the product on the UK market during this period. This will include products that are evaluated by any necessary third party by institutions recognized by the EU.


The test standards used by UKCA are consistent with the EU harmonized standards. These standards can refer to the EU OJ list, and the process is consistent with CE.


Due to the Brexit of the UK, all UK NB institutions in NANDO (Notified and Designed Organizations) are automatically upgraded to the NB institutions of UKCA. The authentication number (NB number) will remain unchanged. NB from other EU institutions will open their applications at the beginning of this year. If they are authorized, they can continue to issue NB certificates to UKCA.

We will pay more attention to the latest changes of the British government's certification requirements, and we will share with you any confirmation information. The latest news will continue to be released to enterprises.

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